Join a supportive, virtual community of diverse Jews through a series of theater-based workshops to focus on the meaning of Jewish community, how we build it, and how it has transformed during COVID-19. In each workshop we will explore methods of telling and theatricalizing stories, including writing personal narratives, creating theater through interviews, and collaborative creation - known as devised theater.
Participants are invited to come to individual workshops or the whole series, and all workshops will be free to attend. Artists of all levels and ages are welcome, including first time theater makers. Co-facilitated by myself and Boston based educator and facilitator Rebecca Powell. Dates: Wednesdays 7-9pm starting 10/28 10/28 - 1st workshop: Personal Narratives - Discover and craft a personal story and deliver it in its true form, workshopping the story towards becoming a monologue. 11/4 - 2nd workshop: Interview Theater Part 1* - Learn interview techniques and practice them with participants in the room. Homework will be to interview someone in your life and transcribe or take notes on interview. 11/11 - 3rd Workshop: Interview Theater Part 2* - Bring your interview notes (homework from previous workshop) to share with the group! Together we’ll transform them into scenes or monologues. 11/18 - 4th Workshop: Devising - Working as a group, we’ll develop scenes through collaborative improvisation, games, and activities. Sign up for one or more workshops: For more information contact: [email protected]
November 2024